

celesco/te cable driver position sensor:

1.no output

2.sensor re-calibration and adjustement validation

3.zero & span adjustement

4.cable replacement

5.core element replacement

6.housing & mechanical components

7.agency for authonrized calibration


1, as well as other sensors, pull on the rope displacement sensor has its inherent weaknesses, after that can't pull the rope suddenly let go, let it free springback, sensor damage caused by such as arson, is beyond the scope of warranty, but we can offer maintenance fee.

2, celesco the rope used for the high quality stainless steel rope, the structural strength is very high, in do not break under normal use, so pull on the rope fracture and other damage caused by not warranty scope, but we can offer maintenance fee.

used in the process of 3, due to the use does not match the crown block cause rope wear, recommend replacing the applicable pulley, or replaced periodically pull on the rope, so as not to pull on the rope wear disconnect cause damage of potentiometer, the maintenance cost will increase sharply.

maintenance & repair of melt pressure:

1.melt pressure failure inspection. diaphram check,output signal check. root cause analysis.

2.melt pressure temprature element inspection.


1. initial failure verification of the high temperature melt pressure sensor, including whether the return piece is working normally, the initial positioning of the fault component, and the cause analysis of the fault.

2. temperature component failure detection of high temperature melt pressure sensor.

pressure sensor (including high temperature melt pressure sensor) of diaphragm as the sensing element, in order to ensure that the resolution of the sensor, the precision and response time indicators, such as the thickness of the diaphragm is very thin, usually less than 0.1 mm, so it is strictly prohibited to use sharp objects (e.g., screwdrivers, nails, etc.) to touch the surface of the diaphragm, such behavior will cause a permanent failure of sensor and can't repair, such failure is beyond the scope of the quality assurance at the same time.

service hotline:010-85800030

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