macro sensors’ hsta and hstar 750 series of 3/4 inch (19 mm) diameter
ac-operated lvdts are designed for a wide range of position measurement
applications. these are rugged hermetically sealed sensors, constructed entirely
of stainless steel, and intended for use at high temperatures (400°f). the coil
windings are sealed against hostile environments to iec standard ip-68 and
electrical termination is through a sealed axial (hsta) or radial (hstar)
connector. the radial connector offers two important benefits. first, it results in a
through-bore design, which permits access to either or both ends of the lvdt’s
core for better mechanical support and core guidance, and easier cleanout in
dusty or dirty locations. the second advantage of the radial connector is shorter
installed length compared to units of the same range with axial connectors. the
mating connector plug is supplied with the unit.
available in ranges of ±0.050 inch (±1.25 mm) to ±10.0 inches (±250 mm),
hsta/hstar 750 series sensors feature the high resolution, excellent
repeatability, and low hysteresis associated with lvdt technology, as well as
the highest sensitivity consistent with good linearity. the maximum linearity error
for any of these sensors is ±0.25% of full range output using a statistically bestfit
straight line derived by the least squares method.
macro sensors offers several standard options that permit a user to customize
hsta/hstar 750 lvdts, including teflon® bore liners and metric threaded
cores, as well as smaller diameter and low mass cores. in addition, macro
sensors can provide a range of mounting accessories and core extension rods.
on special order, the hsta/hstar 750 series can be constructed for
resistance to mild nuclear radiation (3x107 rads), as well as for immersion in
pressurized fluids and to withstand higher operating temperatures.
all hsta/hstar 750 series lvdts will operate properly with any conventional
differential input lvdt signal conditioners, but operation with ratiometric lvdt
signal conditioning is not recommended. macro sensors offers a full line of
lvdt signal conditioners that will deliver optimum performance from any
hsta/hstar 750 series lvdt.